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时间:2023-07-18 16:10:34




January first. The beginning of a new year. As far back in history as wecan tell, people have celebrated the start of a new year.

The people of ancient Egypt began their new year in summer. That is whenthe Nile River flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land. Thepeople of ancient Babylonia and Persia began their new year on Marchtwenty-first, the first day of spring. And, some Native American Indians begantheir new year when the nuts of the oak tree became ripe. That ……此处隐藏11558个字……on." Based on advanced function system and excellentmanagement, factories are booming and enhance overall national economy. Highlydevelopment of electronic commerce is also a significant factor for improvingour living standards. The enlargement of our authority to the recruit ofgraduate and improvement of the conditions of scientists and skilled workers......

From all above, innovation has already became a kind of habit. There is nodoubt we would surprise the world by creating more and more amazing innovationstaking advantages of not only our intelligence but innovation. I’m sureinnovation has became one of the symbols in Chinese tradition and will be markof our bright future!

Thanks for your attention. Thank you very much.

